
Tips On How To Protect Your Eyes From Computer Screen

These days, many people stare at their digital devices for long periods. This trend has led to severe eye problems, one of which is digital eye strain. You may not give this condition much thought until you get it. Recent research has revealed that close to 80% of digital device users suffer from this condition in the U.S. Some of its symptoms include blurred vision and eye discomfort. Generally, the only way to treat this condition is to change your habits in using these devices. Read More 

Itchy Eyes? You Should See an Optometrist

If your eyes are often itchy, you might turn to over-the-counter eye drops and allergy medications for relief. And these measures can work for some patients. But if they do not work for you, then your next step should be to see an optometrist. They can help get to the bottom of what's causing your itchy eyes, and depending on the cause, recommend one of the following treatments. 1. Anti-inflammatory eye drops. Read More 

Eye Problems Associated With Graves’ Disease

Graves' disease can affect your entire body, but it can especially affect your eyes and your eyesight. Graves' eye disease is also known as thyroid eye disease or TED. It is often uncomfortable without treatment and could even lead to permanent changes in the eye. Here is more information about Graves' eye disease and what your ophthalmologist can do for you. What Is Graves' Eye Disease? Graves' disease is an uncommon autoimmune disease that causes hyperthyroidism. Read More 

Pediatric Eye Exams: A Key Factor In Children’s Visual Development

Children encounter plenty of challenges as they grow and develop, including potential challenges to their eyes and vision. While eye exams for kids don't quite follow the same timetable as those for adults, they can still prove instrumental in catching any problems that need to be dealt with as early as possible. If you're trying to help your children enjoy the clearest possible eyesight through these formative years, here are the pediatric eye exams you want to add to your schedule. Read More 

Dry Eyes: Symptoms, Causes, And Help

Dry eyes are not only uncomfortable, but they can also affect your vision by causing blurriness and trouble with night vision. Also, excessively dry eyes make your eyes more prone to infection. This condition is caused by a variety of health issues, and the discomfort can be alleviated in a number of ways. Here is more information about the symptoms and causes of dry eyes and how your eye doctor can help. Read More