How To Prepare For Recovery From Cataract Surgery

If you suffer from cataracts, your eye doctor might have recommended that you have cataract surgery. You might be looking forward to having surgery done because as you have probably heard, cataract surgery is often highly effective and can help with problems like light sensitivity and impaired vision. However, in some ways, you might be nervous about certain things, such as what the recovery period is going to be like. If you want to have the smoothest and best experience during cataract surgery, you should make sure you are properly prepared. These are some of the ways that you can prepare for recovery from cataract surgery.

Take Time Off From Work 

In most cases, cataract surgery is performed as an outpatient procedure, which means that you don't have to worry about a hospital stay after your surgery is done. However, this does not mean that you should immediately return to all of your normal activities. It's a good idea to schedule your cataract surgery out far enough in advance that you have time to request a few days off of work before you return, for example. You will need time to adjust to things like using your eye drops and other medications after surgery, and you will probably want to rest your body, eyes, and mind for a few days after your surgery. If you are unsure of how much time you should take off of work after cataract surgery, your eye doctor should be able to give you an idea.

Find Someone to Drive You Home

In some cases, people are able to safely drive home after cataract surgery. However, your vision could be impacted right after your surgery, and you could be a bit exhausted from the whole ordeal. To ensure that you have a safe ride home — and that you don't endanger anyone else — and to avoid the stress of driving right after surgery, you may want to make arrangements with a friend or family member so that you have a ride home.

Prepare to Relax for a Few Days

You'll probably want to rest your body and eyes for a few days after your surgery, so it's a good way to do things now that will help you prepare for this type of relaxation. It's not a bad idea to pre-prepare meals, for example, so that you don't have to worry about cooking after surgery but so that you can enjoy a healthy, tasty meal. Putting in this work before your surgery will help you recover as well as possible after surgery.
