How Health Problems Can Affect Eyes

When it comes to your eyes, there are many factors that come into play when it comes to the overall health and vision. Genetics, environmental issues, aging, and certain health issues can all contribute negatively to the well-being of your eyes. Here is some detailed information on some various conditions that can affect your eyes.

Diabetes can affect your eyes

Insulin is a hormone that helps the glucose from foods you consume get into your cells where it will then be converted to energy. If you are a diabetic, then your body will produce too little insulin, or possibly none. The lack of insulin causes the glucose to stay in your blood. Having too much glucose in your blood over extended periods of time can lead to health issues, including vision problems. Along with cataracts, some of the other eye conditions you can end up with due to diabetes include diabetic retinopathy, diabetic maculopathy, and glaucoma.

High blood pressure can affect your eyes

Another condition that can affect your eyes is high blood pressure. High blood pressure may lead to changes to your retina. When diabetes affects your eyes in this manner, the condition is referred to as hypertensive retinopathy. When you have high blood pressure it can lead to the blood vessels supplying your eyes to become damaged in a way that causes this condition which significantly increases your odds of ending up with vision issues that can be permanent.

Rosacea can affect your eyes

Many people don't think of eye problems when they hear someone has rosacea. However, many people with rosacea also have eye issues. The condition is called ocular rosacea and it comes with symptoms like dry eyes, itchy eyes, lots of tearing up of the eyes, sensitivity to light, and even the feeling that something is in the eye. When diagnosed early on, there are some things that can be done to treat the eyes in a way that can lead to great responses. Ignoring it too long can lead to serious issues, so early treatment is crucial.

If you have any health conditions that you feel may increase your chances of also ending up with eye problems, then the best thing for you to do is to get in to see your optometrist right away. Let them know your concerns regarding the health issues you have and bring your medical records in with you if you can. Contact a clinic, like Siems Lasik & Eye Center, for more help.
