An Overview Of What To Expect With LASIK Surgery

LASIK eye surgery might correct your vision well enough that you won't have to wear contacts or glasses. Different types of vision problems respond to the procedure differently, so your eye doctor will talk to you about your expected results based on your eye condition. If you've recently started wearing glasses and you can't get used to having them on all the time, then LASIK may be worth considering. Before you have the procedure, you'll undergo a thorough evaluation to make sure you're a good candidate. Here's some information on how the process works.

Your Eye Health Is Checked

Your eyes should be in good general health before LASIK is done. Infections and eye diseases require treatment first. This ensures you'll get the best results from the LASIK procedure and that there is a reduced risk of infection from an existing infection in your eye or on your lashes.

The condition of your eyes and your type of visual disturbance is also analyzed. This can be done with the aid of a computerized device that creates a map of your eye. This lets the eye doctor determine how to reshape your cornea during the procedure. It also lets the doctor determine if you're a good candidate for LASIK.

The Procedure Is Done In The Eye Clinic

LASIK is a type of surgery, but it is done in an eye clinic, like Morris Eyecare, or your eye doctor's office. Your eyes are numbed with anesthetic so general anesthesia is not required. You may be given a sedative to help you relax, but you'll be awake during the procedure. You'll be asked to focus your eyes on a particular spot during the surgery so they stay still. Your eyelids are held open so you won't blink.

The LASIK surgery is a fairly quick procedure. The doctor makes an incision to pull back a flap on your eye and then the cornea is carefully reshaped using a computer-assisted laser. You may need LASIK on both eyes, and if you do, they can both be done at the same time.

Recovery Is Usually An Easy Process

You probably won't have stitches after the surgery, but you may be tempted to rub your eyes, so your eye doctor may want you to wear an eye shield, especially when you sleep at night. Your vision will be blurry after the surgery, so you'll need help getting around until the blurriness clears. You'll want to limit activities such as playing sports and lifting heavy objects until you have been cleared by your doctor so you don't strain your eyes or cause bleeding.

You may not notice an improvement from your usual vision right away. Although you'll recover from the discomfort of surgery quickly, it takes a few weeks for your vision to stabilize so you can tell how well the LASIK procedure worked. Once you have fully recovered, you should need to wear your glass much less often and you may even be able to toss them out completely.
